We want to get you back to the gym as soon as possible, please consider the reasons below that may be stopping you from getting in.
- If you’re under the age of 18, you are required to complete a mandatory induction before your PIN will work so head to the app to see if you still need to complete this.
- You may have selected that you require additional support or disabled access when you joined us and are also required to attend an induction. This will be arranged with the general manager before you can visit, so look out for an email from the gym team.
Cancelled or Frozen
- If your direct debit has been cancelled, your access does stop immediately. If you would like access for the rest of your billing period, or you may have cancelled this in error you’ll just need to give our billing team a call on 0300 303 4800, from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday and they will help reinstate your membership.
- If you pay by card and unfortunately missed a payment, your membership will have stopped, you'll just need to rejoin again.
- If you've applied a Freeze to your membership, your gym PIN will deactivate immediately and you will need to unfreeze again in the app or member's area when you're ready to return.
- Your PIN may have been stopped due to a breach of our Membership Rules which will be advised by email.